All "Lifestyle and Decor" articles

51 - 60 of 1753 results

Woodworking at home

You can set up a woodworking workshop at home in a simple and cost-effective way.
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
15 Aug 2022

How to decorate your home on a tight budget

Here are some Innovative décor ideas for your home that won’t break the bank.
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
15 Aug 2022

Garden design for new homeowners

This is how you can plan your first garden on a budget.
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
10 Aug 2022

Bathroom cleaning tips

Here are some tips for keeping your bathroom spotless and hygienic.
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
10 Aug 2022

Beautiful boundaries for homes

Here are some creative boundary walls that can make your home stand out from the crowd.
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
02 Aug 2022

Solar vs heat pump

Which technology is best for heating water in your home?
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
02 Aug 2022

Interior wall colours that sell homes

The type of interior colours you choose can significantly contribute to the look and feel of your home.
Lifestyle and Decor
27 Jul 2022

Fridge mistakes you could be making

You can reduce food waste by trying these fridge management tips.
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
25 Jul 2022

Plan carefully when installing a swimming pool

This is how you can install your swimming pool in winter for summer.
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
25 Jul 2022

Let the light in with a conservatory

Conservatories are increasing in popularity and are a great way to add value to your home. How can this be done?
Lifestyle and Decor
Sarah-Jane Meyer
18 Jul 2022

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