Buying Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

What are the benefits of an incoming/outgoing faults inspection?

Q&A with Michelle Dickens from the Tenant Profile Network. Transcript: The first thing about an incoming and outgoing inspection is that it is a legal requirement in terms of the Rental Housing Act. It must be performed jointly ...

Property Advice

Invest in property and build your wealth by beating the averages

The outlook for the residential property market remains subdued, with real house price deflation predicted for 2013. But, weak house prices are ironically good for the buy-to-let market, as yields are gradually ...

Property Advice

Demand for Home Inspectors Will Create Thousands of Jobs

Home inspection is an exciting new career choice which is fast opening up for South Africans.

Property Advice

Transport corridors encourage wealth creation through property investment

With the development of new transport corridors, a number of opportunities for property investors to generate great wealth have arisen across South Africa in recent years.

Property Advice

The Ineffectual Property Condition Report is not legal and should be replaced.

Denoon Sampson of the Sandton conveyancing firm, Denoon Sampson Ndlovu Inc, comments on how ineffectual the Property Condition Report is and suggests a better solution. When a disgruntled purchaser telephoned one of our ...

Property Advice

Freehold VS Sectional title: Which is best to buy?

On deciding to buy a home, there are many considerations as to whether to buy into a complex, whether sectional title or run by an HOA, or whether to buy a freehold property

Property Advice

First time buyers - planning carefully for the future

Today’s first time buyers plan carefully, and are specific in what they require from a property.

Property Advice

All those in Favour of Home Inspections say Aye

It's really strange, but it often seems that people take far more care when buying a used car than when buying a new or used property.

Consumer Protection Act doesn't safeguard the interests of buyers
Property Advice

Consumer Protection Act doesn't safeguard the interests of buyers

Purchasers of second hand houses have been surprised to learn that the Consumer Protection Act does not offer them any protection against estate agents and the sellers of these houses - a fact that must cause investors to pause ...

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