Agent Advice

Agent Spotlight - Deanne Hamilton

Private Property South Africa
Tahir Desai |
Agent Spotlight - Deanne Hamilton

Deanne Private Property is criss-crossing the country to shine the spotlight on the best agents. These agents are successful in their areas and have used Private Property to help grow their business.

Today, we talk to Deanne Hamilton of RE/MAX Panache.

Which area do you cover?

I cover North Durban suburbs from Umgeni Park to Umhlanga Rocks, including Glenashley and La Lucia and Mount Edgecombe Estate 1

How long have you been an estate agent?

I have been an estate agent for 11 years and only with Remax Panache

How did you start out as an estate agent?

My sister owned her own estate agency in Johannesburg and she persuaded me to look at joining Remax, as it was a time in my life when due to financial circumstances I needed to earn money to help support my family.

What would you do if you weren't an estate agent?

I don’t know if I will ever change from being an estate agent, this career is everything to me and I love it … but if I had to give you another career choice it would probably be a life coach.

What was your biggest property sale?

My biggest sale was a few years ago on Mount Edgecombe Estate 2 and it was for approx. R15.5 million

Why are you successful as an estate agent?

I have complete passion and love for what I do and work with a fantastic team. I am totally focused and committed and care for my clients, even after the sale is complete. And you have to be available 7 days a week.

What’s great about the area you work in?

What is great about Remax Panache is that I am not restricted to only working in certain areas however the area I concentrate on is very sought after due to the businesses centre on the Ridge growing, good schools in the area, excellent shops and recreation facilities.

What’s the best part of your job?

Knowing I have been part of ensuring families find their dream homes and that sellers have achieved the best price they possibly could by allowing me to market and sell their homes. At the end of the day it is all about the people and ensuring they are happy and hopefully I have helped make the whole transaction be as stress-free as possible!

How long have you used Private Property?

4 – 5 years

What tips do you have for using Private Property?

The agents must ensure that the photos they use on the Private Property web site are done by a professional photographer to ensure the properties get the best exposure and to utilise Private Property’s virtual tours that they provide as an extra service.

What do you think the market will do in 2015?

The market has started with a bang and there has already been an increase in the prices, however there are rumours that the interest rate hikes are going to start in May and the increase in transfer duties for the top end of the market will also have an effect down the line. There is still a shortage of good stock on the market which does help the sellers achieve good prices at the moment, but even with the shortage the sellers need to ensure that they price their properties competitively. Therefore I think the increase in prices will taper off a bit towards the end of the year.

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