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Ready, set, renovate: Five mistakes to avoid when renovating your brand new home

Private Property South Africa
Private Property Reporter |
Ready, set, renovate: Five mistakes to avoid when renovating your brand new home

People many times use the terms remodelling and renovation interchangeably. However, these are applied differently by the housing contractors. Renovation of your home is an investment. Due to this reason you need to select cabinets, appliances, and other amenities by keeping in mind the longevity. If you opt for trendy alternatives there is every chance that you will regret the decision in the upcoming 5 years span. Renovation means you are updating the appearance of a home at the surface or cosmetic level. Remodelling on the other hand means a change in structure through demolition or construction. Here are the common mistakes you should not make during a renovation.

1. Too much renovation

Home renovation can turn out to be stressful. This is the reason why many people think getting it done all at once might be the right idea. But, doing too much at one time might be a huge mistake. After you have decided on the budget for your home innovation, you also need to consider the amount of time that you will have to invest in the work. Are you working? Are you continuously busy raising a family? Some of these responsibilities will add to the demands raised on your time due to a home renovation project. If you are doing a single project at a time you will be more likely to concentrate better on getting the results you were looking for.

2. Unrealistic expectations

Renovation can turn out to be noisy, messy, and downright inconvenient even at the best of times. You need to perform proper research before starting your work so that you will be better equipped to comprehend the reality and what to expect during the home renovation. Do not try to do everything on your own. If planned, you can use the services of a siding Kansas City contractor for getting a helping hand if the home renovation project is located in Kansas City. Be sure to get at least 3 estimates for your work.

3. Do not try to buy cheap

Home renovations tend to be expensive. This is the reason why several homeowners are tempted to use cheap tools or cheap material for the work. It is a huge mistake. After you have spent a lot of money on contractors to renovate or build your home, it might be a good idea to spend a bit more on getting quality material. One of the last things you would wish to have after all the hassle involved in home renovation is getting your project to not look like the way you wanted it to. Your renovation contractor must be experienced and good enough to get your renovation done properly the first time around.

4. Do not go over budget

Despite going through all the estimates in the world, you might not be able to foresee various tough challenges that might crop up at the time of home renovation project execution. Because of this reason, it is recommended that you have provisions for around 20% more than any estimate you are developing during the planning stages of the project. Hopefully, there may not be any need to use a safety net, but it will provide peace of mind if a complication does appear and it normally does.

5. Buying into trendy renovations

With the amount of money you spend on your home renovation project, you must be able to enjoy the place for many years to come. But many people make the mistake of using trendy renovation ideas that will end up giving your home a dated appearance after they have gone out of style. For making your investment last longer it is recommended that you forgo stainless steel appliances and select things that will withstand the test of time. Keep in mind that it is a better idea to select from classical styles that will last for years to come.


Spring or summer is the appropriate time for making major renovation work. But you may also consider winter to perform interior remodelling as the contractors will not be too busy during these times. Also, if they have free time, they will be more open to negotiation. In case you can time your project properly you can make a saving on the home renovation expenses.

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