Agent Advice

Agent Spotlight on Petro van der Colff

Private Property South Africa
Tahir Desai |
Agent Spotlight on Petro van der Colff

Which area do you cover?

All the Tygerberg areas up to Vanguard Drive.

How long have you been an estate agent?

Nearly 4 years.

How did you start out as an estate agent?

I was at a bank for a very long time and used to work 12 hours a day. Then I started my own business which only kept me busy part of the day so I was looking for something to do for the rest of the day. Jeff Gordon from Durr Estate offered me a role as an estate agent. I enjoyed this role as estate agent so much that I sold my business to do this full time.

What would you do if you weren't an estate agent?

I really enjoy my work and as I have always been in sales so I would probably be in a sales environment.

What was your biggest property sale? Where and how much?

As I am selling property in the affordable areas my biggest property sale was for a house in Loevenstein for R2.4m. I do not sell expensive properties but my turnover is high.

Why are you successful as an estate agent?

I was at the bank for more than 10 years as an advisor and used to travel a lot seeing clients. I found this to be a good foundation to communicate with clients, always listening to what your client needs and not what you think they need. It is also not about what you sell, but about who you sell to and knowing that you have the power of making someone’s dream home a reality. I also would say word “ethics” plays a big part in it. I strive to be honest and truthful to my clients to gain their trust in me and to encourage them to make use of my services. With the support I get from my principal and Realnet who provide me with modern technology it makes my job a pleasure.

What’s great about the area you work in?

I know my area very well as I grew up in this area and I have a feeling for the area. There also a big demand in my area as there are a lot of hospitals, shopping centres and good schools. There is also property across a wide price range in this area.

What’s the best part of your job?

When you complete a transaction and have a satisfied seller and buyer. Buying a house is the biggest investment for a person and I can help to make it happen. I like the trust the clients have in me and the difference I can make in their lives.

How long have you used Private Property?

I’ve used Private Property since I joined RealNet properties 3 years ago.

What tips do you have for using Private Property?

List as much property detail as possible. Properties listed on Private Property are listed before the other portals and confirmation is also received that the property was listed on PP. The other portals don’t confirm. I enjoy the weekly reports and they keep me up to date on what is going on in the property market.

What do you think the market will do in 2015?

As there is a shortage of stock, prices of property will still increase and therefore it is a seller’s market. With interest rates increasing in the 2nd half of the year, the market may change to a buyers’ market.

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